177 employees, including 17 trainees
125th anniversary
Renovation of the old paint shop and reopening of the “Work Cafe”
Expansion of the production halls to include “Werk II”
156 employees, 17 trainees
Official change of the commercial name to WP Kemper GmbH
Strategic takeover of Zeppelin-Reimelt´s fryer business
With „Baker‘s Friend“ and the newly opened baking center into the future
Integration in the WP BAKERYGROUP
100th anniversary
The company Kemper is taken over by the HORSTMANNGROUP from Bielefeld
Production of mixers, then later flour sifters and dough forming machines for Bread & Roll lines
Emil Kemper dies, the company is taken over by his wife Johanna. Supply the region with electricity by the 1st Steam engine with dynamo system.
Manufacture of agricultural machinery and construction of a foundry
The factory in Rietberg / Neuenkirchen is built
The company Kemper is established
Production of cream separators