Competent in
theory and practice

Students at WP Kemper
As an engineering company in bakery technology, we provide our customers advanced automation solutions combined with intelligent engineering, to get the best from flour, water and yeast. With this knowledge we create unique competitive advantages that we develop continuously.
Part of this advance are close partnerships with local colleges and universities. We maintain this partnership in particular with the technical college in Bielefeld and the University of Paderborn.
Graduates at WP Kemper –
responsibility with perspective
The career entry after graduation is often connected with particular challenges. At WP Kemper you will be specifically and systematically prepared for your tasks and your area of responsibility will be expanded step by step. In this connection we use professional instruments of human resource management – such as mentoring, internal & external training and job rotation.
Mr. Seibel, which study did you have graduated?
I studied electrical engineering with a focus on automation technology at the Gyndwr University in Wales.
On what did you placed particular emphasis during your studies?
On the one hand, a sophisticated knowledge was important to me. I have also put great emphasis on a strong practical orientation.
Why did WP Kemper convince you as an employer?
On the one hand I appreciate the familiar and personal atmosphere, on the other hand WP Kemper is a strong economic company. In addition, I find the wide range of challenges connected with high responsibility interesting. For this reasons WP Kemper convinced me. Furthermore, the flat hierarchies offer rapid response capabilities and variety in the day-to-day work.