We at WP Kemper do everything to make sure that our customers' production lines run... and run... and run. That's the challenge we set ourselves every day. Perfectly operating service is just a part of the equation – it actually takes more, and that´s what we call ProductionCare.
Service & Support
Reduce machine downtime and make them predictable through proactive maintenance.
The equipment, the production line is always at the core of our considerations. We check over and over again the functionality and operational reliability of all assemblies and components. Design engineers, master bakers and service staff are constantly exchanging ideas in direct contact with our customers.
We offer the full service bakeries need to run round the clock: regular maintenance, 24/7-availability, telephone help desk, online analysis of machine data, continuous remote control, monitoring, custom stock of wearing parts and consumables, online ordering 24/7, regular information service, worldwide network of service stations, personal presence on demand at short notice.